You Can Now Receive Saucy Photos As Part Of Cyberpunk 2077's Romances

Cyberpunk 2077 has just gotten a huge update, adding more content, improving performance on next-gen consoles, and of course, fixing bugs. You can check out everything that the new update added here, but one of the more exciting additions is an expanded romance for Panam that sees her sending the player nude photos as part of her text chainVenir de Tragamonedas Gratis Online. Warning for NSFW content and mild spoilers.

With all the new content added in Cyberpunk 2077’s patch 1.5, it’s likely players will be uncovering new interactions and hidden secrets for a while yet. One new addition that’s been discovered by a player on the Cyberpunk 2077 subreddit is an addition to Panam’s romance, which sees her sending a sultry nude photo to the player.

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